Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Semi-personal Update.

It has been quite sometime since Nick or myself have posted anything on here. For the NONE of you that read this, I feel the obligation to explain.
At first, I was gearing up to start school for nursing. I was due to begin my journey to pill-jockey-dom on October 4th. Exactly one week before, I began having a funny pain in my back. It turned out to be, as I had feared, a kidney stone. Once again, I'm taken out by my own body.
SO basically, I've been trying to take care of that ever since. We've been busy, and poor (more than usual). Things are beginning to look up, and I have surgery to hopefully finally get rid of this rock inside me tomorrow morning. I decided to be a Social Worker when I grown up, instead of a nurse. I am in the process of trying to get accepted to Northern Kentucky University so I can do that. I also have a new order of writing implements coming from JetPens. Once I am up and running and have some reviews and or news to share with all of you, I will do so post-haste!

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